Sunday, October 22, 2006

Closing The Cottage

Today was the day that Mark and I closed the cottage for another year. Things went fairly smoothly. All that had to be done was, empty the fridge, put the bedding away, and turn off the water. Other than the hail and rain it was pretty easy. We'll see next spring how well things actually went. It's been three years that we have been taking the water out ourselves and each year we have had some problem to fix. The first year was the worst by far, I missed a small valve on the pump, and when we arrived in the spring the pump had split. I think that we have the proper procedure down pat now.

It was a good summer at Black Lake.
We spent more time there this year than we have ever before. Lot's of our family and friends came by for a visit. Some didn't make it up this year, but we'll fix that next summer. I find that as I'm getting older that I'm spending more and more time at the lake. I will admit that I didn't really like going when I was younger, but now I find sitting by the water is very relaxing. Most of our time off this past summer was spent working around the cottage. We brought the dog up, who loves the water, and this year we brought up the kitten. Who, other than going into heat, seemed to adapt well to the new surroundings.

The cottage has been in my family for about forty years. My Grandmother purchased the property in the mid sixties because she wanted to be near the water. She grew up in England during a time where there was not much greenery to see. When they reached a point where they could afford to by some waterfront property they did. With the help of my Grandfather, Father, and Uncle they put up a cottage. Since then it's been a family cottage. Over the years the cottage it's self has changed and grown along with our family. I have lot's of great memories of summer's spent at the lake with my family. Some of the nicest were simple things like having coco with my Grandmother while watching Lawrence Welk on the little black and white TV, or learning to play double solitaire with my Grandfather.

It's sad to say goodbye to another season at the lake, but there is always next year to look forward too, when we will make many more new memories.

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