Friday, March 30, 2007

Justin TV

I'm surprised someone hasn't tried this before. Justin has strapped a camera to his hat and uploads live to the internet. This looks like it might be interesting. Gives a whole new meaning to reality t.v. Though it does remind me of that movie with Matthew McConaughey, Ed Tv, and hints of
The Truman Show.

The video doesn't seem to be loading properly so here is a link.

Justin TV

Thursday, March 29, 2007

What We Call The News

Here is a cute video from Jib Jab. They have done a quite a few of these spoofs.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

More from the Mountain

We have spent another nice day on Mont-Tremblant. We were lucky enough to get some snow last night for the skiers. Wasn't a lot of snow only about a centimeter, but just enough to make the ski hill nice for the day. The warm weather didn't hurt either. It was about 6C today. Debbie and I walked down to the village to meet the skiers for lunch and did a bit of shopping. I was very proud of myself because I only spent 8 dollars on a new hat. Not bad for all the tempation. Over all its been another nice day. We have to be out by 11am tomorrow so it will be back to reality by Monday night.

The skiers get ready to hit the hills for the day.

Some pictures from the chair lift. Don't they know that Mark and Judy are supposed to be separted at all times.

Here is the group of us sitting in the middle of the village on a break from shopping/skiing having a beer.

You can just about make out the half pipe that the snowboarders use.
Those damn snowboarders according to all the skiiers.