Saturday, February 24, 2007

Gay Marriage Revisited

Mark and I are just wrapping up our winter vacation this weekend. It was a very nice week spent around the house with our friends from Brockville.
I spoke of these friends before in a previous rant about Gay Marriage.

Read about it here.

Guess what, there is going to be a wedding.
Our good friends have decided to tie the knot.
It seems like they were just waiting for the Federal Government to get thier act in order and finally legalize everything before the laddies legalized their relationship.
It is expected to happen sometime this year, most likely over the summer.
I will keep you updated on the progress.
I can't wait, it will be the first legal same-sex wedding that I have attended.

While we were talking about it during their visit, I started to bug Mark about when it might happen for us.
It wasn't really fair for me to do this considering he celebrated his big four oh this past weekend, but let's just say he shocked the hell out of me with his comments.

More on that later.

Right now its time to focus on the ladies from Brockville.
We're very happy for them and they are a perfect example of why gay and lesbian couples should be afforded the same rights as everyone else.

Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend

Finally a new song from Avril that doesn't sound like every other song she has ever sung.
It's called Girlfriend..... h'mm I wonder is she trying to appeal to the gays with that title?
How long before Canadian radio plays the crap out of this one.

Anyway here is the girl from Napanee.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Fun @ Home With Your Blender

I have always been a fan of blender drinks, but I would have never thought of this.

I can't wait to get my hands on a couple of glow sticks...

Brittany Spears

What more can be said about poor Brittany....not much.
I hope that here return visit to rehab will stick this time.
Like they say "third time is the charm".

On a lighter note check this video out.

When Courtney Love says that she admires your latest actions your in some serious trouble.

American Idol Season 6 and the Antonella Barba Controversy

As the week comes to an end I felt the need to talk about American Idol.
I'm not going to start posting regularly on Idol even though I'm completely addicted to the show, but an occasional update can't hurt.
The season has started off as usual, me arguing with Mark about whether or not we are going to watch the show together live or if I'm going to watch it later on the PVR. I will give him credit, Mark sat through most of the "bad" auditions with little or not complaints.
Now were up to the good parts of the show, the live performances.
I want to start with the new "scandal" and get it out of the way.
Mostly because I can't stand the woman.
I don't know what it is the rubs me the wrong way about her, but I have not liked her from the moment she stepped on stage.
Maybe because I went to school with an Antonella and I don't have fond memories of her, or it could be something else, I just don't know.
I will post some links to some pictures that have surfaced of Antonella Barba and you can decide for yourself if she should be sent packing.
Even though I can't wait to see here get voted off the show, I don't think anything justifies her "friends" selling pictures of her now that she's a bit of a celebrity.
Needless to say these are not pictures of Antonella feeding the homeless or helping blind people cross the street.
These links are NSFW.
(I just learned what NSFW means....Not Safe For Work. That's your fact for the day.)


Tabloid Rabies

Now back to the more interesting parts of the show. I have too early favourites that I would like to share one of the girls and one of the boys.

Here are their first live performances.

Up first Lakisha Jones.

Lakisha is trying to become the next American Idol for her three year old daughter. I think that she is going to go far in this competition.
This is her idol journey so far.

You can tell a singer is great when you get goosebumps from their performance.
I have also heard a rumor that Jennifer Hudson former American Idol loser and Academy Award nominee is going to sing this on the Oscar telecast on Sunday, she is going to have to sing the crap out of it to compete with this woman.

Now from the guys side there is Blake Lewis.

I like this one. He seems to be a performer in the true sense of the word.
This is another one to watch.

Here is Blake's group performance in Hollywood.
Just because I want to show it.