Saturday, July 29, 2006

Kelley's Beached German Whale

Kelley just returned from Punta Cana with some great beach shots. The views were "unbelievable" and all inclusive.

Friday, July 28, 2006

One last thing - Harper's support

It’s not all great news, but it seems Harpers honeymoon is over with the Canadian people. Even with out a viable leader for the Liberal party, Harper's support is on the decline. This could really throw his plans for a majority government into jeopardy. It’s rumored that he will deliberately let his government fail this fall to force another election in hopes of garnering a majority while the Liberals are weakened. It would seem that Canadian’s do not agree with Harper’s view of a measured response to the Israeli/Lebanese crisis. As a side thought I’m thoroughly fed up hearing how everything that is going wrong in our country is the fault of the Liberal party. Mr. Harper you’re in charge now, and any blame falls on your shoulders, stop trying to pass the buck.

Random Hate From Around The Globe

Just in case we forgot that the battle for acceptance continues here are a few stories about intolerance and hate from around the globe.

Prize offered to whoever kills gay person

Stephen Harper accused of intolerance after skipping World OutGames

Texas Man Dies Three Years After Brutal UK Gay Bashing

Interior Minister defends handling of gay pride incidents

Rainbow flag creates controversy

On the positive side were fighting back. I don’t know if I completely agree with the tactics of Know Thy Neighbor, but I give them credit for standing up for all of us. A very vocal religious group going by the name of Florida 4 Marriage has been amassing name on petitions to prevent gays and lesbians from obtaining the basic human right of marriage. Know Thy Neighbor thinks that if you believe strongly enough that you would deny a minority basic human rights that its fair game to have your name and address published. All the names are a matter of public record. I think, if you believe strongly enough in your stance against basic human rights, then you shouldn’t have a problem with your neighbors knowing how you feel.

Kathy Griffin

Kathy’s show My Life on the D-List is nominated for an Emmy, but it’s not available here in Canada. I have always liked Kathy, she can be hilarious. Here is a clip of Kathy returning to the view after being “banned” by Barbara. Kathy is on a roll and I think that she might finally get off the d-list and become a mainstream star.

Scenes from the Garden

I don’t pretend to have a green thumb but Mark certainly does. Here are pictures of a lily he planted last year. I thought it was a bunch of weeds, but when we got home form work today we were greeted by this beautiful sight. The best thing is there is a second bud almost ready to bloom.

Net Neutrality for Dummies

Alright I have been hearing a lot about net neutrality lately. I’m sure many of you are asking yourself what is Net neutrality and why should I care. I have done a bit of research to try and figure out what all the commotion is about. I started at Save the Internet and went from there. I really was not overly concerned about the issue until recently when I received the following letter:

We wish to notify you that we have amended the Bell SympaticoTM Internet Service Agreements.

These new agreements become effective June 1, 2006. For a summary of changes to your Service Agreement, please click on the corresponding link below:

Sympatico DSL Internet service customers
Sympatico Dial-up Internet service customers
If you do not wish to continue receiving your Internet service under the new Service Agreement, you can terminate your service before June 1, 2006, by contacting Sympatico Member Services at 310-SURF(7873).
Since most current customers will not be inconvenienced by these changes, we are confident that you will choose to continue to enjoy your Internet service as you have in the past.
We hope that you are completely satisfied with your Internet experience and continue to be a valuable member of the Sympatico family.

Sympatico Member Services

It’s an innocently enough looking letter until you start looking deeper. Its true intent starts to become evident. The Globe & Mail has a very interesting article about this issue. To sum it up basically Sympatico is taking preemptive measures to prepare for expected government legislation about net neutrality. I found this really great video on YouTube that explains what net neutrality is and means to all of us.

Jon Stewart interviewed the man responsible for overseeing the internet in the US and we should all be very afraid.

I Love Technology

It’s called the Heilo Air Display. I can't wait for this technology to develop. Can you imagine playing video games on this, and when it’s not in use it practically disappears.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Cat's That Look Like Hitler

Umm I think its safe to say that I have now seen everything....

Cat's that look like Hitler

Sunday, July 23, 2006

An Easier Affair - George Michael

Well he's back. I really like the song, but the video not so much. Its all been done before.

Talk about being done before, after I posted this video I find out the George has been up to no good again. GEORGE'S SEX SHAME - Caught 'cruising' in woods. I don't understand why someone would sabotage their personal life and career like this. There really must be something going wrong for him to act like this. When the tabloid caught up with him he was reported to have said:

In a sweat, the ashen-faced singer declared: "Are you gay? No? Then f*** off! This is my culture!"

I really resent this, it may be part of his culture, but it certainly is not part of mine. Its comments like these that hurt the entire community and cast us in a poor light. I admit there are a lot of gay men that engage in this type of behavior but it is not the norm and don't try to justify your problem by saying we all do it.

What about his partner, I believe they have been together for ten years, what a slap in the face, waking up to see his boyfriend splashed across the papers again. It's just a really sad mess.

Not to be catty but who would you have picked?

Ask a Ninja

Once again I must give Joel credit for introducing me to these rather odd you tube videos. Its a hit all over the net and its just starting to make in to the main stream media...I saw a brief clip on CNN about this guy. Here are a couple of his video's. There are lots more if you do a search. I want a theme song like he has...

Mommy Dearest vs Mamma Mia

I think the video speaks for its self. I kind of remember watching this on the late late movie years ago, but this is just strange.

Bubble Wrap

Who can resist popping the bubble wrap. Click on maniac mode and go crazy.