Monday, April 07, 2008


I have nothing to say about this except tee hee...

Click on the pic to "enlarge" it for added effect.

Easter Hangover

It's a "Peep" show....get it a "Peep" show....
I think all that leftover chocolate went to my head.

Thomas Beatie - Pregnant Man

Here is a picture of Thomas Beatie. A transsexual who is pregnant. It's been all over the media for about a week but some people haven't seen the picture yet.

Any comments?

Internet Explorer vs. Firefox

So I have been playing around with the blog layout and looking for something new and I have noticed that if you don't use Firefox as your web browser the blog has some huge and I mean huge fonts in Internet Explorer....
After a about an hour of searching it seems that there isn't a fix for it.
Now I'm a big fan of Firefox as a browser, it had all the features of the new Explorer version, two years ago.
Here's the link if your interested in downloading it.

Get Firefox

Other than that any suggestions on how I could change the look?
Please be gentle I'm very sensitive you know.


Random Photo Finds From The WWW

At least you don't have to cut the lawn.

These are going on my shopping list for next Christmas.

There are a few people I could buy them for and surprisingly enough there all women.

You know who you are.

I still find it hard to believe that it was almost seven years ago.


How peaceful.

Time Wasting With The Creepy Girl

Just click the picture and move your mouse around...
It's really creepy or maybe it's just me.

You Have To Burn The Rope

Totally fun and addictive game...great if you a have few minutes to kill.

You Have To Burn The Rope

The name says it all...
You have to burn the rope.

Funny thing is I would have probably had to pay $30 bucks for a game with the same level of graphics only a few years we all can play for free.