Thursday, October 04, 2007

Saturday Night Live - Iran So Far

I'm back, once again it seems like I have left this blog unattended for almost a month. It's a good thing winter is coming, I'll be spending more time inside on the computer.

This past Saturday evening saw the season premiere of Saturday Night Live.
Overall it wasn't too bad of a show but the standout clip, once again, was the digital short.

Last year they brought us "Dick In A Box" and the year before that it was "Natalie Portman Raps" and the short that started it all "Lazy Sunday".

This years?

Iran So Far.

Staring Adam Levine of Maroon 5, Adam Sanberg, and of course a dead on impression of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad President of Iran.
(Iran, the country according to their President, that does not have any homosexuals. Probably because they kill them....)

It may just be my warped sense of humour but I still can't stop laughing.
Watch it while you can....
Youtube loves to pull these down quickly.

In Case your interested here are the other videos.

Dick In A Box

Natalie Portman Raps

Lazy Sunday

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