Friday, August 10, 2007

Aural Pleasures - Part 4

Relax, Take It Easy, if that isn't the title for a huge summer hit I don't know what is.
It's the latest hit from Mika, the boy behind the song "Grace Kelly"
This song, also seems to borrow from an 80's hit.
I didn't really catch it a first, I have to give the credit to Mark, he was the one who said that it sounded a lot like "I just died in you arms tonight" by the Cutting Crew.
It reminded me more of something by the Scissor Sisters but I see where Mark's coming from.
Either way I have played the crap out of this song over the last few days.
Hope you like it too.

First up Mika....

Next for your consideration Cutting Crew with "I just died in your arms tonight"

Lastly a little Scissor Sisters....guaranteed to get you out of your seat and dancing around your computer.

Ironically "I Don't Feel Like Dancing"

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