Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Prime Minister Harper takes plane to Cyprus to evacuate Canadians

What a publicity stunt. After days of inaction over Canadians stranded in Lebanon Prime Minister Harper took his military airbus to Cyprus to help bring back 100 Canadians today. Call me cynical but his spokes person said that most of his staff and all journalists were booted of the plane to make room for as many people as possible. Except one, there apparently was plenty of room to bring a long his staff photographer. It’s just very disappointing to hear things like this from someone who claimed that he would clean up our government. It’s shameful to use people fearing for their lives as propaganda. If the former Liberal government had shown such poor leadership Harper would have been all over them calling for resignations. It has been reported that the family killed over the weekend in the bombings tried all weekend to contact the Canadian embassy but it was closed. Where is the leadership? At least now we know what Harpers hidden agenda might be. If this is a “measured response” in his mind what is this man capable of?

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