I love to give my opinion even when people don’t want to hear it. This is one outlet where I can say what ever I want without interruption. So what ever pop’s into my head is likely to show up. If I’m not talking to myself, which is a very good possibility, let me know what you think. Best viewed using Firefox.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Tecktonik - Dance Craze
Tecktonik is the newest dance craze sweeping the nation....
Or so I have been told.
Here are a couple of video's to explain it all to you.
First up.
An example.
Love the music.
Next some instructions so you can practice at home so you don't embarrass your self in the club.
I don't know about you but I'm still try to learn the "Moonwalk" and the "Running Man"
I'm screwed.
Sony Bravia Bunnies
Way back in November last year I published some commercials for the Sony Bravia television.
The first was a whole bunch of bouncing balls.
The second involved a lot of paint.
If you don't remember them click here.....
There back.
This time there is a whole bunch of bunnies and play-doh.
I wasn't really feeling it, that was until, we neared the end.
Let's Talk Tact
Working in a retail environment allows me to come in contact with many different types of people. For awhile now I have wanted to right something about tact and more importantly the lack there of.
My friend and co-worker Mary made the suggestion months ago, but I just never had the motivation before today.
Another of my co-workers recently had her hair cut and it was cut very short, much shorter than she wanted. Needless to say she was very unhappy with the results and was trying to make the best of the situation. Before I go on let me say the haircut is not that bad, it is short, and she definitely doesn't like it but it's really not that bad.
One of customers, who we see quite regularly and chat with, made some completely inappropriate comments. Things like "thats a horrible hair cut", "I hope you didn't tip her", "It's not wanted you wanted, is it?".
I could go on.
I was dumbfounded that any adult would think these were appropriate comments to say to anyone else.
I don't think she said these things to be deliberately hurtful, but I'm not sure. The old adage "If you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all" certainly comes to mind.
It started me thinking about whether or not people are just plain stupid and don't think about what there saying or are the just oblivious to the effect that their words can have.
I still remember a few years ago I bumped into an old neighbor of my mom.
Now since I last saw her I have gained some weight.
I know this, it's not a secret.
What does she say?
"Oh, I almost didn't recognize you put on so much weight."
Now how do you answer that?
My first thought was Oh, I almost didn't recognize you either you got so old.
Now of course I didn't say that, because I like to think that I have more tact than that.
I would love to hear your stories, and whether you think some people are just being mean or do they just not care.
As for my co-worker with the newly short hair. She just smiled and said that the customer was just telling the truth.
Now that's tact.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Saturday Night Live - Iran So Far
I'm back, once again it seems like I have left this blog unattended for almost a month. It's a good thing winter is coming, I'll be spending more time inside on the computer.
This past Saturday evening saw the season premiere of Saturday Night Live.
Overall it wasn't too bad of a show but the standout clip, once again, was the digital short.
Last year they brought us "Dick In A Box" and the year before that it was "Natalie Portman Raps" and the short that started it all "Lazy Sunday".
This years?
Iran So Far.
Staring Adam Levine of Maroon 5, Adam Sanberg, and of course a dead on impression of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad President of Iran.
(Iran, the country according to their President, that does not have any homosexuals. Probably because they kill them....)
It may just be my warped sense of humour but I still can't stop laughing.
Watch it while you can....
Youtube loves to pull these down quickly.
In Case your interested here are the other videos.
Dick In A Box
Natalie Portman Raps
Lazy Sunday
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