Friday, May 04, 2007

Random www Finds - Part 2

Here is a site that claims to be able to predict who is going to be voted of of American Idol by measuring the busy signals.
Sounds very scientific to me.
Don't worry about any spoilers, it hasn't been that accurate.

Dial Idol

Random www Finds - Part 1

Here is part one, of some random finds from the world wide web, that got my attention.

The Stockholm Subway

I have been fascinated with city building and infrastructure for years. I'm pretty sure that's where my addiction to SimCity comes from.
Here are a couple of stunning pictures of the Stockholm Subway.

Follow the link for many more unbelievable pictures.

Paris Hilton - Stars Are Behind Bars

So its been awhile since I have had the urge to write anything....
Who could resit on making a comment about Paris Hilton getting sentenced today to 45 days in jail.
Her sentence will start on June 5, and the judge made sure she wouldn't be allowed on work release, furloughs, use of an alternative jail, or electronic monitoring instead of jail
Loving it.
Just goes to show all these celebrities that they are not above the law.
Unfortunately for us at least she probably won't be there very long. Michelle Rodriguez was sentenced for 60 days for the exact same offense and served about two hours before she was released do to overcrowding.

Oh yeah she was about twenty minutes late for court appearance, even I wouldn't be late for that, and they don't call me "ish" for nothing.