Saturday, August 16, 2008

I seen Beyonce at Burger King - Cazwell

Cazwell, gay rapper with I seen Beyonce at Burger King.

Madonna Turns 50

Madonna Louise Ciccone Ritchie

Born August 16th 1958

Happy Birthday Lady...

A sampling of photos through the years.
In no particular order.

What would a Madonna post be without some music?

First up one of the songs that made her famous and parents hate her.

Like a Virgin

The controversy continued and so did the great music in 1989 with

Like a Prayer

Finally the latest from the Material Girl.

Give it to me.

One of my favorite songs of her newest album titled Hard Candy. - Têtes A Claques

Have you heard of Têtes A Claques?
My brother and sister-in-law introduced us to them almost two years ago.
It's a site that produces hilarious short little videos.
Very disturbing videos actually.
They use live action eyes and mouths and place them over cartoons.
I watched dozens of them when I first was introduced to the new site.
Even with my limited French, I was hurting from all the laughing.
This weekend premiered.
Same site but now in English.
You really need to check it out.
Each week there is a new video, there not all classics, but they rarely miss their mark.
The best part for me they are produced here at home in Canada.

Here are a couple of links to get you started.

The Secretary

Goin' Out

Disney Photo

The Frogs

The Googoos

Now a couple of the French classics.
Even if you don't speak french, give'm a try, you'll see.

The Willy Waller 2006

The LCD Shovel 2007

Friday, August 15, 2008

All Star Family Fortunes aka Family Feud

Well in Canada and the U.S. this show is called Family Feud.
Like the British usually do they changed the name of game and classed up the show a bit.

Here is a clip of Family Fortunes.
It hurts too laugh so much.
The cute guys didn't hurt though.

I checked the produce department at the grocery store and they never heard of
Les Beans.

Okay here is another funny youtube find.
This is a PSA for the Honey Bees.

Next up gross, funny, but gross.
I didn't think this was really possible.

Lastly trapped in an elevator.

This man was trapped in an elevator in NYC for over forty hours.
The time lapse camera caught it all.
Good thing he wasn't claustrophobic.

M.I.A - Paper Planes as see in Pineapple Express

I know that I have some unusual taste in music.
Just search back through some old posts and you will see what I'm talking about.
I have been seeing the trailer for Pineapple Express for the last month or so, and I absolutely love the song playing over it.
I haven't seen the movie yet but from what I have heard it's pretty much a stoner movie.
Like the one's made popular by Cheech and Chong in the seventies.
I'll wait for the DVD.
Well with a bit of searching I was able to find the video for the song playing through the trailer, it's M.I.A.'s Paper Planes.
I downloaded the song before my vacation and I drove Mark crazy with it over the two weeks we were away.
I played it over and over again in the car.
I don't know anything about M.I.A., but if your interested click on the link for some info.
Anyway, here is the video for one of the songs that will remind me of the summer of 2008.

M.I.A. with Paper Planes

Just in case you were interested here is the trailer for Pineapple Express.

One last music video because I can.

This beauty is from Corb Lund.
It's titled "Truck Got Stuck"
Love it.
Canadian too..

Told you I like all kinds of music.
Rap to Country in one post impressive isn't it.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Like I Never Left - Whitney Houston

So apparently I have been away for about four months. It's amazing how time gets away from you. I have thought about dropping by and writing something, but its a lot harder than people think, to come up with something to talk about all the time. Well something that is hopefully slightly interesting.
I just went back to work today, after a nice two week vacation at the cottage. I spent (and I counted) 16 complete days there without once returning to the city. For those of you that now me, that's unprecedented, usually after about a week I start to miss the pavement of the city and head home for at least an overnight stay. That is the longest uninterrupted stay that I have had at the cottage since I was a kid and would spend most of the summer their with my grandparents.
Overall it was a nice relaxing time.
We had the usual occurrences that remind me I really would not survive the "country life" for too long.
First up is the snakes, yes snakes.
Probably a good time to mention that I freak out around snakes. My phobia is so bad that I will avoid walking in an area where I have seen a snake for years. I can also recount almost every place at the cottage that I have ever seen a snake in the last thirty odd years that have been going there.
It started with a small (according to other witnesses) garden snake sighting.
This is where the lesbian friends came in particularly handy, scaring the thing away quite quickly with a stopping of the feet. It must be a genetic thing with them, absolutely no fear.
Next up was the very large (at least 4 feet long) black water snake. That decided it would be a nice time to sun its self on our dock.
Unfortunately for me I happened to be floating out in the water, but I'm proud to say that I didn't freak out light previous occasions, there was no screaming or hyperventilating etc... but I think I paddled my self halfway across the lake just in case it came near me.
I'm happy to report that I was able to leave the water safely and without incident.
The second sign that I not meant for country living is the septic system.
I will say that I have a limited knowledge of septic tanks etc.
I know that they have to be emptied periodically and that its not the most pleasant job.
Those of you who have not had any experience with them your lucky.
First problem is you must find and dig up the cap/hatch for the tank so it can be emptied.
I remember when I was younger and my grandparents took care of all these things the honeypot guy (no idea where that name came from) would show up, dig it up, drain the tank, and go.
Well times have changed haven't they.
You (in this case me) have to dig it up for them.
It stared out well, I was digging and found metal right away.
Lucky, or so I thought, after I removed a bit of dirt from the cap there was a hissing sound, not unlike the snakes from earlier.
Actually I think I might have preferred the snake at this point.
Apparently we should have done this a bit earlier cause it was full, really more than full.
Cause' the lid popped off and it kinda looked like I struck oil.
The hole that I had dug filled up with a nice black liquid.
Yeah, well then I got a whiff of it.
When my gagging subsided I hiked up my shirt over my nose and mouth and finished digging my hole.
Cottage my memories aren't they wonderful.
The nice part of the whole thing was the gentleman who came to do the pumping out of the tank.
He was friendly and had a great sense of humour about the job he did.
It was really nice to meet someone like that, a person that has a fairly shitty job (pun intended) that still can be nice and enjoy his job.
Enough cottage talk for now I'll tell you more later.

The whole point of this post was Whitney Houston.
I am a true fanatic for this women.
I have loved her music for years.
Followed all the marriage troubles, drug problems, and so on.
I was overjoyed to hear late last year that she had kicked all her bad habits to the curb and was working on a new album, her first new material in over six years.
Working with, of all people, Clive Davis , the man who launched her career back in the eighties.
When I got home form my vacation I discovered that her newest song with Akon had been "leaked" to the net.
Now I'm completely biased of course, but its really sounds pretty good.
Here it is for you to judge.

She is looking good and sounding great and what better title for Whitney to make here comeback with, than "Like I Never Left", and what better post title for myself after four months of ignoring you.

Talk to you soon, I promise.