I love to give my opinion even when people don’t want to hear it. This is one outlet where I can say what ever I want without interruption. So what ever pop’s into my head is likely to show up. If I’m not talking to myself, which is a very good possibility, let me know what you think.
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The Liberal Leadership Convention is in full swing tonight. I have been sitting here watching the speech's of the top five candidates. There has been some very exciting speech's, and some that were not so good. Its very interesting to watch because the winner of tonight's leadership bid is almost guaranteed to be come Prime Minister, maybe not in the next election, but soon. I don't get a say in the matter, but I think that after watching for the last few months that the best person to lead the party and our country is Gerrard Kennedy.
No matter what happens over the next couple of days, it's very nice to see that Liberal party is renewing themselves, and preparing to do battle with Stephen Harper before he undoes 50 years of Liberal accomplishments.
If your interested in learning a bit more here are a few links for you.
I was just looking through some of the books that I have collected over the years and came across The Secret World of OG. This is a children's book written in 1961. I received an updated copy form my Aunt Penny and Uncle Lyle for my 7th birthday, way back in 1979. I'll pause while you do the math..... I don't remember appreciating that much when I first received it, but at some point I picked up the story and fell in love with it. I have enjoyed reading since I was very young. Imagine my surprise last week when I found the book again and realized that it was written by Pierre Berton. Pierre Berton is arguably one of the greatest authors in Canadian history. I think I'm going to read the book again just to evoke some of those old memories. After I googled the book I discoverd that just this past September CBC started airing a cartoon series based on the story.
Everyone has probably seen what happens when you drop a pack of Mentos into a 2L bottle of Diet Coke, by now. a video, funny in places, not so much in others.
This post is probably not going to mean much to a lot of people, but those of you who remember the VOX it will.
The Vox was a dance bar located in Bells Corners. From the outside it looked like a dive, on the inside it was much better. It was probably the first over 21 club opened in the suburbs. That didn't last too long, and then they started letting everyone over 18 in.
I spent a few drunken evenings dancing at that bar.
One of my strongest memories.
It was in 2000 when Sisqo released his song "Thong Song"
Watching the go go dancers up on the risers demonstrate that they were wearing thongs.
Michael Richards apologized again for his racist rant today, on the Reverend Jesse Jackson's radio broadcast. If your not familiar with the controversy click here for an update. There are two things concerning this scandal that I want to talk about. The first thing. It seems quite ironic that Michael Richards first apology was introduced on the David Letterman Show by Jerry Seinfeld. Call me cynical.
I'll wait.
Jerry Seinfeld made something like 250 Million dollars from the original syndication of the Seinfeld series. I wonder why he wanted Michael Richards to apologize on national television.
It's all about money. If people stop watching Seinfeld because of Michael's hate speech, no more residuals for the stars.
The second thing I wanted to talk about is the use of hateful names and expressions.
There are many words that most politically correct people would never dare speak. Not unlike the N-Word used by Michael Richards.
A small aside. I work with a lot of young people (15-20 somethings).
Over the last few years I have witnessed the increase of popularity of the expression "That's so gay".
Most of the people that I work with that have used this comment really don't mean it as an insult to gay people, but just to demonstrate how they don't like something.
Another aside. I no longer feel the need to conceal my sexual orientation in my life. Personal or work.
Here is what I usually do when one of my staff makes this statement and I over hear it.
When I hear someone say "That's so gay" I look at them and in the most serious tone that I can muster I tell them how that I find that personally offensive. I don't really find it that offensive in most cases, because the people saying it don't mean it as an insult directed towards me or other gay people. It is really quite fun to watch their expression when they think that they have insulted me.
Whats the point?
Let me pause and wave my Pride flag high. Even though most people don't mean any harm or disrespect by using this comment, they don't realize the harm that they are truly causing.
Just by the fact of comparing something they don't like or disapprove of to being gay, their disrespecting all gay people.
My mission is to equate saying "That's so gay" to uttering the N-Word.