I love to give my opinion even when people don’t want to hear it. This is one outlet where I can say what ever I want without interruption. So what ever pop’s into my head is likely to show up. If I’m not talking to myself, which is a very good possibility, let me know what you think. Best viewed using Firefox.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Stephen King's The Mist
I can't wait, one more sleep until The Mist.
Looks like we finally have another great Stephen King movie.
Many of the reviews are comparing it, in quality, to the Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption, and Stand By Me.
I let you know tomorrow if it's scary enough or not.
ABC - When Smokey Sings
So if you have been checking in to this blog you have probably realized that I enjoy music.
I love the way a song can bring all sorts of memories flooding back.
The good and the bad.
Thats why oldies channels on the radio do so well. I don't remember who told me that, but it makes total sense.
Here is one of the songs for me.
Do you remember it?
Like other songs that I have posted recently I can still sing every word along with this video even though I probably haven't heard it in over fifteen years.
Ouch, that's a long time.
A little history on the song/group.
This is ABC, and there song "When Smokey Sings".
It was a pretty big hit way back in August/September of 1987.
I had just survived my first year of high school and was preparing for grade 10.
Like I said it was a long time ago.
I remember buying the album (actually it was a cassette)to play in my Sony Walkman while I cut the neighbors lawns for some spending money.
I was hooked almost instantly.
Looking back I'm not sure now if it was the lead singer, cause' I certainly have a thing for blonds, natural or otherwise, or his partner that got my attention first.
After hearing this album it lead to me to some of there earlier work.
Specifically the song "The Look of Love".
I think this is the band that helped me discover British Music for the first time and too this day I still find my self attracted to the British scene.
While I was searching for ABC on YouTube one of the alternate selections that came up was another group that I love.
Breathe, with the song "Hands To Heaven"
Another British group.
I remember hearing this at my Grandparents house around the same time as the ABC song.
I was in thier basement watching CBC televison. It was their video countdown show.
I can't remember if it was on Friday or Saturday nights, but the host now works for CMT televison.
Anyway I fell in love with there first Canadian hit.
Yes I can still sing along with this video as well.
The follow up release was "How Can I Fall?"
Not as good as the first, but still enjoyable.
I love the way a song can bring all sorts of memories flooding back.
The good and the bad.
Thats why oldies channels on the radio do so well. I don't remember who told me that, but it makes total sense.
Here is one of the songs for me.
Do you remember it?
Like other songs that I have posted recently I can still sing every word along with this video even though I probably haven't heard it in over fifteen years.
Ouch, that's a long time.
A little history on the song/group.
This is ABC, and there song "When Smokey Sings".
It was a pretty big hit way back in August/September of 1987.
I had just survived my first year of high school and was preparing for grade 10.
Like I said it was a long time ago.
I remember buying the album (actually it was a cassette)to play in my Sony Walkman while I cut the neighbors lawns for some spending money.
I was hooked almost instantly.
Looking back I'm not sure now if it was the lead singer, cause' I certainly have a thing for blonds, natural or otherwise, or his partner that got my attention first.
After hearing this album it lead to me to some of there earlier work.
Specifically the song "The Look of Love".
I think this is the band that helped me discover British Music for the first time and too this day I still find my self attracted to the British scene.
While I was searching for ABC on YouTube one of the alternate selections that came up was another group that I love.
Breathe, with the song "Hands To Heaven"
Another British group.
I remember hearing this at my Grandparents house around the same time as the ABC song.
I was in thier basement watching CBC televison. It was their video countdown show.
I can't remember if it was on Friday or Saturday nights, but the host now works for CMT televison.
Anyway I fell in love with there first Canadian hit.
Yes I can still sing along with this video as well.
The follow up release was "How Can I Fall?"
Not as good as the first, but still enjoyable.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
I certainly can relate to this...
Amy Brickhouse - Wiihab
Just for comparison here is Amy Winehouse with the original version.
Amy Brickhouse - Wiihab
Just for comparison here is Amy Winehouse with the original version.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Lego Mario
More coincidence.....
More Lego and Super Mario.
Like the tag says "It's always nice when to childhood passion's get together like this."
Goonies of the Caribbean
Just a random surfing find that ties in nicely to the Cindy post....
Coincidence or fate?
You be the judge.
A very nice piece of editing though.
Cyndi Lauper
It seems that I'm on a flashback to the eighties tonight.
What 80's visit is complete with out a tribute to Cyndi Lauper.
When Cyndi came to fame, about the same time as Madonna, people were saying that she was the real star.
The one with staying power.
I really like her music, but it was Madonna that just signed a $120 million dollar contract.
Here are a couple from Cyndi that have special meaning to me.
First up?
Goonies R Good Enough, the theme song from the 1985 movie "Goonies".
A fantastic movie with a fantastic video.
Staring some of the biggest wrestlers of the 80's.
More wrestlers and the classic "Girl's Just Wanna Have Fun".
Also turned into a movie starring a very young Sarah Jessica Parker.
My favorite Cyndi song "Time After Time"
What would a Cyndi Lauper retrospective be with out "True Colours"
The song that has been used by Phil Collins, Kodak, and Dove to name a few.
Last a song from 1989.
I Drove All Night.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Thriller - Michael Jackson
How can I let another Halloween pass with out a mention of Thriller one of the more "modern" Halloween songs.
Well folks this year marks the 25th Anniversary of the hugely successful album.
I'm happy to say that I never owned a copy of this album as I was only ten years old.
Apparently I am one of the few who don't own it has sold around 104 Million copies so far.
I am very aware though, of the numerous hits that came of this record, and I'm going to get a chance to finally purchase it. When the 25th anniversary addition is released in time for Christmas.
Who am I kidding I'll probably just download it.
From a completely legal source of course.
Here are a couple of my favorite songs from the album.
The original Thriller in all its glory.
At the time it was released it was a huge sensation especially the fact that the video ran more than 13 minutes unheard of really still to this day.
Here is an edited version of the video.
Billie Jean
Of course we have to include Beat it.
It's a shame that he destroyed his life and career the way he did.
He was a very talented person.
Finally I can't leave with out the Lego version of Thriller cause' who doesn't love Lego....
I Think We're Alone Now - Tiffany
I remember hearing this song while I was in my first year of high school.
Wow that was way back in 1987, twenty years ago...
Tiffany was the first of the "mall" singers....traveling around the U.S. singing in shopping centers.
I don't know what's worse the fact that the song is twenty years old our the fact that I can still sing along and remember every word.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Friday, October 05, 2007
Tecktonik - Dance Craze
Tecktonik is the newest dance craze sweeping the nation....
Or so I have been told.
Here are a couple of video's to explain it all to you.
First up.
An example.
Love the music.
Next some instructions so you can practice at home so you don't embarrass your self in the club.
I don't know about you but I'm still try to learn the "Moonwalk" and the "Running Man"
I'm screwed.
Sony Bravia Bunnies
Way back in November last year I published some commercials for the Sony Bravia television.
The first was a whole bunch of bouncing balls.
The second involved a lot of paint.
If you don't remember them click here.....
There back.
This time there is a whole bunch of bunnies and play-doh.
I wasn't really feeling it, that was until, we neared the end.
Let's Talk Tact
Working in a retail environment allows me to come in contact with many different types of people. For awhile now I have wanted to right something about tact and more importantly the lack there of.
My friend and co-worker Mary made the suggestion months ago, but I just never had the motivation before today.
Another of my co-workers recently had her hair cut and it was cut very short, much shorter than she wanted. Needless to say she was very unhappy with the results and was trying to make the best of the situation. Before I go on let me say the haircut is not that bad, it is short, and she definitely doesn't like it but it's really not that bad.
One of customers, who we see quite regularly and chat with, made some completely inappropriate comments. Things like "thats a horrible hair cut", "I hope you didn't tip her", "It's not wanted you wanted, is it?".
I could go on.
I was dumbfounded that any adult would think these were appropriate comments to say to anyone else.
I don't think she said these things to be deliberately hurtful, but I'm not sure. The old adage "If you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all" certainly comes to mind.
It started me thinking about whether or not people are just plain stupid and don't think about what there saying or are the just oblivious to the effect that their words can have.
I still remember a few years ago I bumped into an old neighbor of my mom.
Now since I last saw her I have gained some weight.
I know this, it's not a secret.
What does she say?
"Oh, I almost didn't recognize you put on so much weight."
Now how do you answer that?
My first thought was Oh, I almost didn't recognize you either you got so old.
Now of course I didn't say that, because I like to think that I have more tact than that.
I would love to hear your stories, and whether you think some people are just being mean or do they just not care.
As for my co-worker with the newly short hair. She just smiled and said that the customer was just telling the truth.
Now that's tact.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Saturday Night Live - Iran So Far
I'm back, once again it seems like I have left this blog unattended for almost a month. It's a good thing winter is coming, I'll be spending more time inside on the computer.
This past Saturday evening saw the season premiere of Saturday Night Live.
Overall it wasn't too bad of a show but the standout clip, once again, was the digital short.
Last year they brought us "Dick In A Box" and the year before that it was "Natalie Portman Raps" and the short that started it all "Lazy Sunday".
This years?
Iran So Far.
Staring Adam Levine of Maroon 5, Adam Sanberg, and of course a dead on impression of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad President of Iran.
(Iran, the country according to their President, that does not have any homosexuals. Probably because they kill them....)
It may just be my warped sense of humour but I still can't stop laughing.
Watch it while you can....
Youtube loves to pull these down quickly.
In Case your interested here are the other videos.
Dick In A Box
Natalie Portman Raps
Lazy Sunday
Monday, September 10, 2007
Shakespeares Sisters - Stay
One last walk down memory lane for this evening.
I believe that Shakespeare's Sisters would be considered a one hit wonder.
There song "stay" was another pivotal song in my adolescence.
Thought I would throw in "Whats Up" by 4 Non Blonde's cause' I mixed them up all the time....
Go figure.
I feel like reminiscing for a few moments.
I discovered Anne and Nancy Wilson some time in the late eighties, the sisters were better known as Heart.
I don't know what attracted me too the two of them....
I guess I was always a sucker for girls with big hair.
That, and I always loved, how the video producers tried to hide Anne's weight gain with clever camera angels.
Here is a sampling of Heart's greatest hits.
In no particular order.
These Dreams
OMG that was some really big hair.
I think this is the first song that I heard the girls sing and I fell in love....way back in '87.
What About Love
I don't remember this one well at all cause' I was only 5.....
All I wanna do is make love to you..
As boy growing up "confused" in the late 80's early 90's it really struck a cord.
The cute actor didn't hurt either.
Weight Loss
I stumbled across the really interesting site the other night.
It's called Traineo
It's a web page that helps you in your quest for weight loss.
I created an account to see what it's all about,and it's very impressive.
It pushes physical activity as apposed to diets.
Who knows it could help.
Here is the link if any one is interested.
Apologize ft One Republic and Timbaland
So some more new music for you.
This is One Republic feat. Timbaland.
I love this song it reminds me of old George Michael or even a bit of Elton John.
Britney Spears - VMA's
So just about every blog on the planet is discussing (trashing) Britney's performance last night on the MTV Video Music Awards.
Yeah, it wasn't so good.
A lot of the site's are commenting on how "huge" Brit looked.
Now lets keep in mind the woman has had two children within less than three years.
Here is a couple of pic's from last night.
First thing, the girl is not huge or even slightly over weight.
I guess the fact she doesn't look anorexic makes her fat.
This is why so many young woman and men are growing up with unrealistic body images in our countries.
She longs pretty damn fine to me.
You be the judge.
Your comments are appreciated.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Stephen King's The Mist
I can't wait for this movie.
I said earlier that I don't like the fall, but one of the only pleasurable things that the season brings is usually a whole whack of new horror movies.
The latest Stephen King movie is due in theaters in late November.
The Mist was a short story found in the collection titled "Skeleton Crew" released back in 1985.
I still remember reading this book and how disappointed I was at first that it was bunch of short stories.
It turns out it had some of the most terrifying moments that King has ever written contained in its pages.
It probably helps that I was only 13 at the time and less desensitized to all the horror than I am now.
That said, The Raft, The Monkey, and The Mist were some of the best.
Unlike some Stephen King movies this one looks half decent.
They have a good cast with some fairly well known actors, such as, Thomas Jane and Marcia Gay Harden.
I will be in line opening weekend for this one.
Here is the trailer.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
As the summer of 2007 fades away here is a clip of the song that will always remind me of this year.
Not one to jump on a bandwagon...yeah right...
I hated this song the first dozen or so times I heard it, but it started to grow on me.
Now I hate to admit it, but I really like it.
In case your interested her is Rhianna's new song "Shut up and Drive"
I hate this one two.
Check back in a couple of months though, who knows I'll probably have changed my
If your wondering where you have heard that song before? That is if you were born before 1990, its a New Order song called "Blue Monday".
Not one to jump on a bandwagon...yeah right...
I hated this song the first dozen or so times I heard it, but it started to grow on me.
Now I hate to admit it, but I really like it.
In case your interested her is Rhianna's new song "Shut up and Drive"
I hate this one two.
Check back in a couple of months though, who knows I'll probably have changed my
If your wondering where you have heard that song before? That is if you were born before 1990, its a New Order song called "Blue Monday".
I can't believe that another month has almost gone by and I haven't done anything with this blog....
I'm just waiting for inspiration....
Summer is basically over and I'm sure that will give me lots to blog about.
I hate this time of the year.
Fall is the season of death.
More on that later.
I'm just waiting for inspiration....
Summer is basically over and I'm sure that will give me lots to blog about.
I hate this time of the year.
Fall is the season of death.
More on that later.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Aural Pleasures - Part 4
Relax, Take It Easy, if that isn't the title for a huge summer hit I don't know what is.
It's the latest hit from Mika, the boy behind the song "Grace Kelly"
This song, also seems to borrow from an 80's hit.
I didn't really catch it a first, I have to give the credit to Mark, he was the one who said that it sounded a lot like "I just died in you arms tonight" by the Cutting Crew.
It reminded me more of something by the Scissor Sisters but I see where Mark's coming from.
Either way I have played the crap out of this song over the last few days.
Hope you like it too.
First up Mika....
Next for your consideration Cutting Crew with "I just died in your arms tonight"
Lastly a little Scissor Sisters....guaranteed to get you out of your seat and dancing around your computer.
Ironically "I Don't Feel Like Dancing"
Aural Pleasures - Part 3
About three weeks ago we had our annual boat(booze)cruise at work.
It's a great event that the store social fund hosts annually.
We spend about three hours cruising back and forth on the Ottawa river.
This year had the usual drunken episodes....
More about that later.
After a few cocktails I wasn't feeling any pain and I started to dance.
This year I spent the evening dancing with one of our newest employees.
Thing was that she loved music from the 80's.
So we ended up dancing most of the night and we kept requesting more and more music.
Our favorite of the evening had to be Jermaine Stewart's classic "We don't have to take our clothes off"
In case you don't remember it(or to young to even know it)here's a reminder.
The point of the post?
While I was on vacation last week I heard the new song by Gym Class Heroes.
It's called "Clothes Off"
Three guesses as to which song they sample and the first two don't count.
Here's there "new" song.
As someone who enjoys rap music I don't find it to bad, but I think the classic version is still the best.
Not sure who Gym Class Heroes are?
Here is their first hit "Cupids Chokehold"
I well it's been a busy summer and I have done absolutely nothing with this blog.
Surprisingly enough Mary has not been bugging me to update....
I hope that doesn't mean that she's stopped checking in.
The point is holidays are over for us at least until September so I will get back at things.
More updates to follow.
I promise.
Surprisingly enough Mary has not been bugging me to update....
I hope that doesn't mean that she's stopped checking in.
The point is holidays are over for us at least until September so I will get back at things.
More updates to follow.
I promise.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
Lewis "Scooter" Libby
Scooter Libby had his prison sentence commuted today, by George Bush, which means he will never serve a day in prison. In case your not familiar with case , Scooter was convicted of lying to the CIA about the Vice Presidents involvement with a leak that exposed an undercover agent. An agent who's husband severely angered the President and the Vice President.
So lets recap
Pairs Hilton - Driving with a suspended license 21 Days
Martha Stewart - Lying to investigators 5 Months
Lewis Libby - Lying to investigators 0 Days
Disgusting, impeach this man before he destroys your country.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Cocaine and the Corn Field
Rosie O'Donnell
It looks like Rosie is trying to make another statement.
Here is a picture that she posted, of her daughter Vivi, on her blog today.

I think it makes quite a statement.
Even though it's a bit disturbing.
What do you think?
Ratings on the view had been dropping like a stone since Rosie left the show.
Here is a picture that she posted, of her daughter Vivi, on her blog today.
I think it makes quite a statement.
Even though it's a bit disturbing.
What do you think?
Ratings on the view had been dropping like a stone since Rosie left the show.
Paris Hilton Free
Monday, June 25, 2007
Paris Hilton - Leaving Jail?
Paris Hilton will probably be out of jail in the next couple of hours.
It seems that the twenty something days she has spent in prison has had a profound effect on her.
She's no longer going to pretend to be dumb and she will use her celebrity status to help others.
Very noble.
Sounds like she found god.

This picture was shamelessly lifted from Pretty On The Outside.
It seems that the twenty something days she has spent in prison has had a profound effect on her.
She's no longer going to pretend to be dumb and she will use her celebrity status to help others.
Very noble.
Sounds like she found god.
This picture was shamelessly lifted from Pretty On The Outside.
Aurora Borealis
I love this picture, in fact its my new desktop.
It is a beautiful and tranquil picture.
I know nothing about it other than it's the Aurora Borealis taken from space.
What I'm Listening Too
Rihanna - Umbrella
Better late than never.
It took awhile for me to start to appreciate this song, I guess the three hundred times a day I hear it has helped.
Timbaland - The Way I Are
Music only no video yet....
Enrique Iglesias - Do You Know (Ping Pong Song)
My summer song, at least for now.
Fergie - Big Girls Don't Cry
Yes that is Milo Ventimigila from Heroes with a whole bunch of fake tattoos.
Groove Jet - Spiller feat. Sophie Ellis Bextor
Britain's Got Talent - Paul Potts
Last week I posted a clip of six year oldConnie Talbot from the show Britain's Got Talent.
Today I stumbled across a clip of Paul Potts.
Apparently Paul sells cell phones for living in Cardiff and Paul wants to sing Opera.
It's another feel good clip.
There is something about watching a person who has a natural talent and doesn't realize how good they really are.
Now if the American version of this show was done half as well as the original I would probably watch. I think the judges on this version are much more watchable than their American counterparts.
I was also surprised at who well the audience accepted and enjoyed Opera music. I wonder how it would have gone over here in North America.
After doing a bit more research it turns out that the final of the show has already aired.
Any guesses as to who were the finalists?
It's Paul vs. Connie.
First up Paul Potts singing Nessun Dorma.
Second it's Connie Talbot singing Over the rainbow.
Is it just me or didn't you always think that song was called "somewhere over the rainbow"?
And the winner is.....
Paul Potts.
His next performance will be before the Queen.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Sicko - Michael Moore
I just finished watching Michael Moore's Sicko. It's his latest documentary on the American Health Care system.
I have never seen a Moore documentary before, at least not in its entierty. Of course I have heard about many of his previous works, such as Fahrenheit 911 and Roger & Me.
I can safely say that I haven't watched a movie that has moved as strongly as Sicko has in along time.
I know that our Health Care system has many things wrong with at the moment, wait times being the most problematic, but I can't believe what is happening just across the border.
Most Canadians have heard horror stories of outrageous cost's of getting sick in the U.S. and wouldn't dare travel with out some type of insurance to protect themselves, but I can't believe how out of control things have gotten.
The show starts with a couple in there late fifties, early sixties, who could be my parents or some of yours, moving out of their home and in with their daughter.
This couple was fairly well off, had a nice home, put all their kids through college etc. That was until their father suffered from a series of heart attacks and then their mother was diagnosed with cancer. This couple had nice jobs with insurance but as soon as they got sick their insurance company looked for a reason to cut them off, when they couldn't find one they hiked there premiums up so high (something close to $9000 a year) and drove the couple in to bankruptcy.
What kind of choice is it when you have to sell your home just to get life saving treatment.
It just made me sick(no pun intended) that this could happen in North America. My own mother went through a battle with breast cancer recently and what if we had to come up with ten's of thousand's of dollars to keep her alive. We would have figured out a way to come up with the money one way or another, but your supposed to be focusing on healing not how your going to pay a bill.
There was another gentleman that had an accident with a table saw. He was uninsured.
The saw cut of the tip of his middle finger and almost did the same to his ring finger. When he arrived at the hospital he was told that to fix his ring finger it would cost him $12,000 and to reattach his middle finger it would be $60,000. He had to decide which finger he could afford to save.
Which one would you choose?
Cut to Canada where a similar gentleman had cut off all four fingers on one hand. After more than 24 hours of surgery with four highly specialized surgeons he left the hospital with all his fingers reatched and no bill.
Health Care in the U.S. is a business and like all business's the object is to make as much money as possible, and if that means a few people have to die, so be it.
I know that I'm not doing this film justice, but I think all Canadians should try to see this documentary.
We have a conservative government in this country calling most of the shots, trying for a majority so they can control all the shots. I promise you that if they succeed in an election we will be hearing alot more about private health care and how it will save our system. In fact, it will probably help, just only those who can afford to pay for it.
Those who can't pay, will end up like the American citizen's who right now as you are reading this, are being put in taxi cab's, by private hospital's when they can't pay for treatment, and dumped (literally) in hospital gowns on the street outside shelters.
It just makes me sick.
Here is the trailer.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Tulsa's Buried Car
Apparently the good people of Tulsa Oklahoma buried a 1957 Plymouth Belvedere along with a time capsule next to the County courthouse. The car was put in a vault in the ground that would withstand a nuclear blast....
The plan was to open the vault 50 years later.
On June 15th the vault was opened.
There was a big celebration in Tulsa as it was opened.
In case you not sure what a Plymouth Belvedere looks like here is an old ad for one.

This is what they found.

Looks like the vault could stand a bomb but not rust.
The contents of the time capsule faired much better.
I love the contest they were running in 1957.

I wonder if the will actually award the prize.
You can also see that they were not exactly politically correct in 1957 assuming that it would be a male winner. (His heirs).
Here is a link to the video of the unveiling.
Here is a link to more pictures if your interested.
The plan was to open the vault 50 years later.
On June 15th the vault was opened.
There was a big celebration in Tulsa as it was opened.
In case you not sure what a Plymouth Belvedere looks like here is an old ad for one.
This is what they found.
Looks like the vault could stand a bomb but not rust.
The contents of the time capsule faired much better.
I love the contest they were running in 1957.
I wonder if the will actually award the prize.
You can also see that they were not exactly politically correct in 1957 assuming that it would be a male winner. (His heirs).
Here is a link to the video of the unveiling.
Here is a link to more pictures if your interested.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Connie Talbot
I don't know if you have heard about this young girl yet or not but her video clip has gone round the world over the last few days. Her name is Connie Talbot and she is trying out for "Britain's Got Talent". Yet another show staring Simon Cowell. Here is her audition performance where she performs "Somewhere over the Rainbow".
I get goose bumps when I here her sing it. I can't imagine getting up and singing in front of all those people, let a lone doing it at the age of six.
Here is the latest performance where she is trying to secure a spot in the finals.
Connie is singing "Ben". Not quite as fantastic as the first but still better than most of the people that sing on these shows.
I get goose bumps when I here her sing it. I can't imagine getting up and singing in front of all those people, let a lone doing it at the age of six.
Here is the latest performance where she is trying to secure a spot in the finals.
Connie is singing "Ben". Not quite as fantastic as the first but still better than most of the people that sing on these shows.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Funny or Die - Jenna Elfman
The people at Funny or Die are at it again.
They were the people behind The Landlord.
Here's a very pregnant Jenna Elfman.
They were the people behind The Landlord.
Here's a very pregnant Jenna Elfman.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
Ottawa Senators
I don't think I should be watching hockey.
I don't handle it well when it doesn't go our way.
I don't handle it well when it doesn't go our way.
Safe Sex
Here is a safe sex video that might actually have an effect on the people its trying to help.
Be warned it may not be for everyone.
It's fairly tame, but could be NSFW (not safe for work) for some people.
Be warned it may not be for everyone.
It's fairly tame, but could be NSFW (not safe for work) for some people.
If this doesn't make you feel a bit nauseous, nothing will...
I don't think I'm buying what their selling.
I don't think I'm buying what their selling.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Human Joysticks
Get your mind out of the gutter.
This looks like fun.
I love video games and the bigger the better.
For $10 a movie this should be in every theater.
This looks like fun.
I love video games and the bigger the better.
For $10 a movie this should be in every theater.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Parallel Parking
This for all those people that love to parallel park....
I feel bad for the driver, well at least I did when I finished laughing, cause' I have had these moments a couple of times myself.
I feel bad for the driver, well at least I did when I finished laughing, cause' I have had these moments a couple of times myself.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Rosie O'Donnell and Elizabeth
I really enjoy the View, but the biggest complaint I hear from people is that they hate the way the hosts fight and talk over each other.
This is a clip of todays show, arguably the best fight they have had this year.
Rosie is planning on going out with a bang.
The split screen is a nice touch.
Here is another clip of wild animals fighting taken by amateur camera people.
I can see the similarities between the two.
Thanks to Towleroad.
This is a clip of todays show, arguably the best fight they have had this year.
Rosie is planning on going out with a bang.
The split screen is a nice touch.
Here is another clip of wild animals fighting taken by amateur camera people.
I can see the similarities between the two.
Thanks to Towleroad.
Amazing Music Videos
Before I get on a political rant about the Conservatives, a bit of fun.
This music video by Fujiya & Miyagi called Ankle Injuries is fantastic.
The video is created with nothing but dice and thee song isn't half bad either.
This music video by Fujiya & Miyagi called Ankle Injuries is fantastic.
The video is created with nothing but dice and thee song isn't half bad either.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Aural Pleasures - Part 2
So if the last group of songs didn't depress you too much, here are a batch of more upbeat songs from the same year.
Tag Team - Whoomp There It Is
Snow - Informer
(After almost fifteen years I still don't have a clue what he's singing.)
Dazzey Dukes - Duice
Show Me Love - Robin S
Janet Jackson - If
Rhythm Is A Dancer - Snap
Spin Doctors - Two Princes
Meat Loaf - I Would Do Anything For Love
4 Non Blonde's - What's Up
(When ever I hear this song I think of Mark and Sylvie's old place on St. Joseph Blvd. in Hull)
Shakespeare Sisters - Stay
Thats it for now, it will probably take twenty minutes to load all these videos.
Tag Team - Whoomp There It Is
Snow - Informer
(After almost fifteen years I still don't have a clue what he's singing.)
Dazzey Dukes - Duice
Show Me Love - Robin S
Janet Jackson - If
Rhythm Is A Dancer - Snap
Spin Doctors - Two Princes
Meat Loaf - I Would Do Anything For Love
4 Non Blonde's - What's Up
(When ever I hear this song I think of Mark and Sylvie's old place on St. Joseph Blvd. in Hull)
Shakespeare Sisters - Stay
Thats it for now, it will probably take twenty minutes to load all these videos.
Aural Pleasures
It's amazing the memories that certain songs can evoke.
They can make you happy or sad.
Remember good times or bad.
Here are a few songs that have some special memories for me.
These are all from 1993.
I'm not going to say whether their good or bad.
A boy has to have some secrets.
Janet Jackson - That's The Way Love Goes
Stereo Mc - Connected
UB-40 - Can't Help Falling In Love
Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You
Mariah Carey - Dreamlover
Soul Asylum - Runaway Train
Janet Jackson - Again
PM Dawn - I'd Die Without You
PM Dawn - Set A Drift On Memory Bliss
Wow I think I was a bit of a romantic....

Rev. Jerry Falwell is dead.
Here are some of his greatest hits:
“AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals”
“Homosexuality is Satan's diabolical attack upon the family that will not only have a corrupting influence upon our next generation, but it will also bring down the wrath of God upon America.”
"It is God's planet - and he's taking care of it. And I don't believe that anything we do will raise or lower the temperature one point."
"God almighty does not hear the prayers of the Jew."
"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen."(His belief of who was responsible for the 911 attacks)
He used our community and homophobia to rake in millions of dollars while he traveled around the world in a private jet spreading his hate.
I can't say I'm sorry he's gone.
How appropriate he died alone on his office floor.
Here is a site that claims to be able to predict who is going to be voted of of American Idol by measuring the busy signals.
Sounds very scientific to me.
Don't worry about any spoilers, it hasn't been that accurate.
Dial Idol
Here is part one, of some random finds from the world wide web, that got my attention.
The Stockholm Subway
I have been fascinated with city building and infrastructure for years. I'm pretty sure that's where my addiction to SimCity comes from.
Here are a couple of stunning pictures of the Stockholm Subway.



Follow the link for many more unbelievable pictures.

So its been awhile since I have had the urge to write anything....
Who could resit on making a comment about Paris Hilton getting sentenced today to 45 days in jail.
Her sentence will start on June 5, and the judge made sure she wouldn't be allowed on work release, furloughs, use of an alternative jail, or electronic monitoring instead of jail
Loving it.
Just goes to show all these celebrities that they are not above the law.
Unfortunately for us at least she probably won't be there very long. Michelle Rodriguez was sentenced for 60 days for the exact same offense and served about two hours before she was released do to overcrowding.

Oh yeah she was about twenty minutes late for court appearance, even I wouldn't be late for that, and they don't call me "ish" for nothing.

This week a new attraction opened at the Grand Canyon. Its called the Skywalk, its a walkway that sticks out over the Grand Canyon by about 70 feet. The floor is made of glass so as you walk out and look down your about 4000 thousand feet above the ground. The Hualapai tribe has helped build it instead of a casino, and at $25 dollars a trip, it should make back the $40 million investment costs quite quickly.
Click on the pictures for a better look.



We have spent another nice day on Mont-Tremblant. We were lucky enough to get some snow last night for the skiers. Wasn't a lot of snow only about a centimeter, but just enough to make the ski hill nice for the day. The warm weather didn't hurt either. It was about 6C today. Debbie and I walked down to the village to meet the skiers for lunch and did a bit of shopping. I was very proud of myself because I only spent 8 dollars on a new hat. Not bad for all the tempation. Over all its been another nice day. We have to be out by 11am tomorrow so it will be back to reality by Monday night.
The skiers get ready to hit the hills for the day.

Some pictures from the chair lift. Don't they know that Mark and Judy are supposed to be separted at all times.


Here is the group of us sitting in the middle of the village on a break from shopping/skiing having a beer.

You can just about make out the half pipe that the snowboarders use.
Those damn snowboarders according to all the skiiers.

They can make you happy or sad.
Remember good times or bad.
Here are a few songs that have some special memories for me.
These are all from 1993.
I'm not going to say whether their good or bad.
A boy has to have some secrets.
Janet Jackson - That's The Way Love Goes
Stereo Mc - Connected
UB-40 - Can't Help Falling In Love
Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You
Mariah Carey - Dreamlover
Soul Asylum - Runaway Train
Janet Jackson - Again
PM Dawn - I'd Die Without You
PM Dawn - Set A Drift On Memory Bliss
Wow I think I was a bit of a romantic....
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Rev. Jerry Falwell - Dead
Rev. Jerry Falwell is dead.
Here are some of his greatest hits:
“AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals”
“Homosexuality is Satan's diabolical attack upon the family that will not only have a corrupting influence upon our next generation, but it will also bring down the wrath of God upon America.”
"It is God's planet - and he's taking care of it. And I don't believe that anything we do will raise or lower the temperature one point."
"God almighty does not hear the prayers of the Jew."
"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen."(His belief of who was responsible for the 911 attacks)
He used our community and homophobia to rake in millions of dollars while he traveled around the world in a private jet spreading his hate.
I can't say I'm sorry he's gone.
How appropriate he died alone on his office floor.
Friday, May 04, 2007
Random www Finds - Part 2
Here is a site that claims to be able to predict who is going to be voted of of American Idol by measuring the busy signals.
Sounds very scientific to me.
Don't worry about any spoilers, it hasn't been that accurate.
Dial Idol
Random www Finds - Part 1
Here is part one, of some random finds from the world wide web, that got my attention.
The Stockholm Subway
I have been fascinated with city building and infrastructure for years. I'm pretty sure that's where my addiction to SimCity comes from.
Here are a couple of stunning pictures of the Stockholm Subway.
Follow the link for many more unbelievable pictures.
Paris Hilton - Stars Are Behind Bars
So its been awhile since I have had the urge to write anything....
Who could resit on making a comment about Paris Hilton getting sentenced today to 45 days in jail.
Her sentence will start on June 5, and the judge made sure she wouldn't be allowed on work release, furloughs, use of an alternative jail, or electronic monitoring instead of jail
Loving it.
Just goes to show all these celebrities that they are not above the law.
Unfortunately for us at least she probably won't be there very long. Michelle Rodriguez was sentenced for 60 days for the exact same offense and served about two hours before she was released do to overcrowding.
Oh yeah she was about twenty minutes late for court appearance, even I wouldn't be late for that, and they don't call me "ish" for nothing.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Will Ferrell - The Landlord
Will Ferrell is not always funny, but this is just hilarious.
Yet also disturbing.
Some of the language is a bit ruff.
Here is the link 'casue I can't figure out how to stop the video from auto playing.
Click Here
Yet also disturbing.
Some of the language is a bit ruff.
Here is the link 'casue I can't figure out how to stop the video from auto playing.
Click Here
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Public Art in Cardiff
I all for public art, sometimes it leaves you scratching your head and wondering if its really art.
Like this loving art piece outside of the National Art Gallery here in Ottawa.

Or this one. I don't know what city its in.

In Cardiff someone has taken things to a whole new level.
This piece is located a the Cardiff barrage.
Here are a few random shots of what most people would see waling around the area.





For most people it would look just like random swaths of bright yellow paint, but from just the right spot you would be treated to a fantastic optical illusion.
Like this loving art piece outside of the National Art Gallery here in Ottawa.
Or this one. I don't know what city its in.
In Cardiff someone has taken things to a whole new level.
This piece is located a the Cardiff barrage.
Here are a few random shots of what most people would see waling around the area.
For most people it would look just like random swaths of bright yellow paint, but from just the right spot you would be treated to a fantastic optical illusion.
Donkey Kong Tribute
I know that I'm a video game addict, I can't get enough of them.
Evidence here
But these people have taken it to a whole new level.
A few engineering students took five hours and about 14,000 post it notes and made a moving tribute to Donkey Kong.


What does 14,000 post it notes look like?

Look at all the pretty colours.

Evidence here
But these people have taken it to a whole new level.
A few engineering students took five hours and about 14,000 post it notes and made a moving tribute to Donkey Kong.
What does 14,000 post it notes look like?
Look at all the pretty colours.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
The Grand Canyon Skywalk
This week a new attraction opened at the Grand Canyon. Its called the Skywalk, its a walkway that sticks out over the Grand Canyon by about 70 feet. The floor is made of glass so as you walk out and look down your about 4000 thousand feet above the ground. The Hualapai tribe has helped build it instead of a casino, and at $25 dollars a trip, it should make back the $40 million investment costs quite quickly.
Click on the pictures for a better look.
I have a new addiction and its called Facebook.
Facebook is a social networking site similar to msn messenger and classmates.
It started a few years ago for high school and university students in the form of a online yearbook to allow friends to stay connected.
Now its open to everyone.
Frankly its still a lot of young people but I have managed to hook up with many old friends that I haven't had contact with in over a decade.
Check it out and if you know me add me I would love to talk to you.
Find out for yourself why its affectionately called Crackbook.
Facebook is a social networking site similar to msn messenger and classmates.
It started a few years ago for high school and university students in the form of a online yearbook to allow friends to stay connected.
Now its open to everyone.
Frankly its still a lot of young people but I have managed to hook up with many old friends that I haven't had contact with in over a decade.
Check it out and if you know me add me I would love to talk to you.
Find out for yourself why its affectionately called Crackbook.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Alanis Morissette - My Humps
By far the hottest video to hit YouTube in awhile is Alanis Morissette's version of My Humps by the Black Eyed Peas. The video went up yesterday and is closing in on 2 million views. It's not a bad song when Alanis sings it.
Just for comparison here is the original Black Eyed Peas version.
Just for comparison here is the original Black Eyed Peas version.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Justin TV
I'm surprised someone hasn't tried this before. Justin has strapped a camera to his hat and uploads live to the internet. This looks like it might be interesting. Gives a whole new meaning to reality t.v. Though it does remind me of that movie with Matthew McConaughey, Ed Tv, and hints of
The Truman Show.
The video doesn't seem to be loading properly so here is a link.
Justin TV
The Truman Show.
The video doesn't seem to be loading properly so here is a link.
Justin TV
Thursday, March 29, 2007
What We Call The News
Here is a cute video from Jib Jab. They have done a quite a few of these spoofs.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
More from the Mountain
We have spent another nice day on Mont-Tremblant. We were lucky enough to get some snow last night for the skiers. Wasn't a lot of snow only about a centimeter, but just enough to make the ski hill nice for the day. The warm weather didn't hurt either. It was about 6C today. Debbie and I walked down to the village to meet the skiers for lunch and did a bit of shopping. I was very proud of myself because I only spent 8 dollars on a new hat. Not bad for all the tempation. Over all its been another nice day. We have to be out by 11am tomorrow so it will be back to reality by Monday night.
The skiers get ready to hit the hills for the day.
Some pictures from the chair lift. Don't they know that Mark and Judy are supposed to be separted at all times.
Here is the group of us sitting in the middle of the village on a break from shopping/skiing having a beer.
You can just about make out the half pipe that the snowboarders use.
Those damn snowboarders according to all the skiiers.
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